Student @ Community

UPM students are active in community and volunteer services. A course called ‘Kursus Bakti Siswa’ which allows students to offer community services is a compulsory subject for all students in order to graduate.

‘Kursus Bakti Siswa’ offers both holistic skills  that are capable of instilling human capital values among students and soft skills that guide them on how to carry out community-oriented activities.  Since the subject encompasses community planning, implementation methods, execution and  evaluation of students’ activities, it essentially provides leadership skills and allows students to become all-rounded members of the community.

 MEGA Programme is one of the activities carried out together with the community in Serdang, which includes motivational programmes, ‘gotong royong’ and cultural shows.  Other programmes include ‘Masih Ada Sayang bersama anak yatim dan Bersamamu’, Dengue Prevention Programme with the community, Motivational Programme with school children, and various other community-focused activities.

 For further information on student activities please click here:  Entrepreneurship Innovation & Student Development