| Universiti Putra Malaysia

Skyridder, UPM innovation to expedite wire removal on lamp posts

By: Asrizam Esam

SERDANG – Skyridder, an innovation by Langit Putra Innovative and Creative Group from Putra Science Park (PSP), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), can expedite the usual wire removal work after the advertisement is brought down by 80%.

The innovation, led by Asrizam Esam, is a long-handle wire cutter that cuts hanging fasteners, illegal advertisements, or old rusty wires left on lamp posts quickly and safely without using a ladder.

Asrizam said the tool could greatly impact the community and organisations by quickly eliminating pollution caused by rusty wires and illegal advertisements on lamp posts.

“Skyridder is also very easy to use compared to the expensive and heavier imported tools which do not have an ergonomic effect when used repeatedly,” he said.

He added the unique mechanical concept of Skyridder, which uses a lamp post as the holding force to enable a special wire cutter compared to existing methods such as wire and pulley.  

“The use of Skyridder can avert night work and accidents caused by electrical leakage, and cleaning work can be done at night to avoid the scorching heat and high traffic during the day,” he said.

Previously, the Skyridder innovation had also won the Gold medal - Malaysia Invention & Innovation Expo (MIIX) 2022 and Par Excellence Award - International Convention on Quality Control Circles 2021 Hyderabad India, Gold - Annual Productivity & Innovation Conference and Exposition MPC 2020 and Gold, Innovative and Creative Group Convention (KIK) Public University 2019.

Most recently, Skyridder won third place under the public category in the Low Touch High Impact (LOTHI) 2022 Programme organised by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), which was announced in December 2022.